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Interwie with Happy Art Norway


Sahar Ajami with the illustration “The man who planted trees” has been voted as the latest winner on the HappyART website. This wonderful illustration is now to be found on our products in the HappyART webshop.

Let´s get to know Sahar a little bit better.

Sahar Ajami is an Iranian artist who lives and works in Oslo. She has been drawing since she was a young child and always loves to try different mediums and styles. A graduate from the University of Art in Theater Stage Design, Sahar is a freelance illustrator and cartoonist who has won awards from National and International festivals. Her cartoons and illustrations have been printed in art catalogs, children books, magazines and newspapers at home and overseas. She has illustrated more than 15 children picture books. Sahar’s intention is to bring beauty, serenity and joy to everyday life by her whimsical designs.


Tell us about yourself?

I am an illustrator and designer from Iran, currently living in Oslo, Norway and I studied Theatre Scenography. I work as a freelancer since 2000. My visual language is always changing and I love to try new techniques. After winning my first prizes in cartoon festivals I got the opportunity to work with major newspapers in Iran. Last year I focused more on editorial and children illustration and designs. Currently I am working on a collection of illustration based on Henrik Ibsen dramas.

How is your work process from idea to finished artwork?

First I create the character and it is the hardest part for me, then I think about the idea and develop it in my head, and put the best one on the paper. My first sketch is very simple, then I make some concepts by drawing very simple lines, finally I choose the best one to continue working on. Sometimes the idea and concept is very clear for me then I just write down the idea. I do not scan my rough drawings, I start drawing in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator using a graphic tablet. I develop my illustration by working on colors and textures or patterns.

What is a typical day for you?

There is no typical day! After checking my email and Facebook, I start working. Usually after working at my illustrations I’ll have some fun or do my other daily works. When I am really interested in a project and everything is going great, I work for over 10 hours straight but when I am not I take a break every few minutes.

What inspire you?

My dreams and everyday life! Traveling,visual arts, music and literature, anything creative is inspiring for me

What is your best tips as an artist?

Always write down your ideas, you will not remember them tomorrow. Practice drawing and create something everyday, share your art it is very useful and easy way to get feedback and maybe get a job!

What big and small dreams do you have?

I like to live in a beautiful island and have enough time to work on my personal projects, my big dream is living my dreams…

Do you think differently when you illustrate for HappyArt?

I think of it as a decorative picture, I imagine my illustration on a living room wall. I try to create an image which makes a house more like home, and make the space more interesting and beautiful.

If you could print you artwork on a object of your choice. What would it be?

I like to print my illustrations on everyday objects; from laptop skins to fabrics.

If you where a pizza. What toping would you have?.

A colorful topping of lines and dots maybe!

Some exsamples of Sahar´s work.

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